




One of the skills an advanced writer must learn is public presentation.  At some point in your academic or professional career, you will likely be called upon to share your ideas with your peers in a meeting, a conference, a speech, a lecture, or in a class presentation much like this one.  While students and professionals alike often dread public speaking, presentations are valuable opportunities both to persuade your colleagues and to receive vital feedback on your work.




With that in mind, this presentation has been designed to work in conjunction with your Project Four essay.  Your job is to present your cultural analysis, covering the basics of your argument and seeking feedback on your project.  Make sure to include all of the following:




Additional Requirements:




You will be evaluated on both the content and the style of your presentation.  For a detailed breakdown of what I am looking for, see the following rubric:


Presentation Rubric



Presentation Schedule


December 1:


December 3:


December 6:


December 8:


December 10: